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  • To access Key Performance Indicators for Government and Non Profit Agencies free media

    Thank you for buying the book. I do hope that it is useful and that you take the time to spread the word. Free Media for Key Performance Indicators for Government and Non-Profit Agencies Book OwnersThank you for purchasing my book. I have provided a a web based toolkit with templates to be read and used…

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  • To access free media for the Leading-edge Managers Guide to Success book

    Thank you for buying the book. I do hope that it is useful and that you take the time to spread the word. Web Based ToolkitI hope you find the book and the additional toolkit helpful in future proofing your finance team and leave a profound legacy. This is my third book, and the effort is…

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  • Free Media for KPI Book Owners – Fourth Edition

    Thank you for purchasing my book. I have provided a PDF of templates to be read and used in conjunction with this book. If you have purchased this book, you can download the web based implementation guide.  The process is as follows, Click here(link needed) and submit your contact details and you will have access to a…

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  • Area of Mastery – Self-Help For The Busy Millennial

    I have written two self-help guides called, “How to Become Comfortable -‘Old Money’ Advice for the Savvy Millennial” and “Life Skills to Master For A More Comfortable Life,” These guides contain no get-rich-quick schemes, just old-fashioned, tried and tested, “Don’t say I never told you” styled advice for the savvy millennial. It started as a handbook for my daughters as…

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  • Area of Mastery – Innovation

    Innovation: How the Millennial Manager can unleash its potential Never has there been a better time to unleash innovation in your organisation. There is a perfect storm that offers: an unprecedented amount of talented and entrepreneurial young people; accessible technology- many of it for free; and a colliding of ground-breaking knowledge which gives us a…

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  • Selling and Leading Innovation

    As we will know from past experiences this sales process is not easy and can be prone to failure.  I would argue that more than half the initiatives that are declined, at the concept step, were under sold.  In other words, given the right approach the initiative would have gone ahead. If you are not…

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  • Embracing abandonment article – a homage to Peter Drucker

    Embracing abandonment Management guru Peter Drucker could, by some, be considered the Leonardo da Vinci of management – I believe he will be better understood and respected 400 years after his life than now. He frequently said that abandonment is the key to innovation – I consider these pieces of advice to be one of…

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  • Peter Drucker’s Five Areas of Innovation

    I have split Drucker’s advice on innovation into: 1. Embracing abandonment The first step in a growth policy is not to decide where and how to grow. It is to decide what to abandon I consider abandonment as one of the most important gifts bestowed on us by Peter Drucker. It is unusual that such…

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  • The 5 Stages of a Blue Ocean Shift Innovation- Revisited

    Blue Ocean Shift Innovation Never has there been a better time to unleash innovation in your organisation. There is a perfect storm that offers: an unprecedented amount of talented and entrepreneurial young people; accessible technology- many of it for free; and a colliding of ground-breaking knowledge which gives us a clear route forward; and customers…

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  • The 4 Foundation Stones For Kaizen Innovation

    Understanding Gemba Kaizen Innovation Never has there been a better time to unleash innovation in your organisation. There is a perfect storm that offers: an unprecedented amount of talented and entrepreneurial young people; accessible technology- many of it for free; and a colliding of ground-breaking knowledge which gives us a clear route forward; and customers…

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